Small Groups


Sunday @ 9:00 & 10:45 AM | Wednesday @ 7 PM for Adults, Youth & Kids

Join a small group at CCC!

We have various small groups that meet throughout the weeks at different times of the year.  Check out our current small groups:

SUNDAYS | Adult Sunday School | 9:15 am in the Lower Level

TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS | Bone Builder Class | 1 pm in the Downstairs Youth Room

TUESDAYS: 2nd & 4th of each month | Capital Moms | 9:30-11:00 am | CCC Lobby


Awana Kids Clubs (Preschool-5th grade) | Lower Level Classrooms 

Capital Yth (6th-12th grade) | Sanctuary

Adult Bible Study | CCC Lobby

SATURDAYS  | Men’s Breakfast| 8:30 am | Lower Level

There are other small groups that meet throughout the year that are not currently posted.

Rightnow media

We have a great online resource for those interested in doing Bible studies right in their home! Follow this link and setup your own account through RightNow Media to get access to a full library of Bible studies for free!